Commentary on Safety Signs

In implementing Health & Safety Management System, we can add values to ease the implementation stage. Every time when we need to install safety signs we purchase from the market. Its fine but i think if we prepare safety signs at our own then it will be more effective, like we take pictures of our own workers and take color printouts and install them. This is the more effective, easy, and almost free of cost safety signs will be developed by our own. 
 If we have done this, it will be more effective way of implementing Health & Safety Management system. Use of own worker pictures feels respect in their minds about using safety equipments as their responsibility. Once all of them feels it their responsibility to wear PPE's then we may say that we achieve our Goal. 

1:   We have a good knowledge about the workers education level to read some instructions. So          before placing any statement sign check this problem factor before implementing!

2:  Passing instructions about other backup near famous point. 

3:  Some time Extreme Message can be deliver to understand the importance....
